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We are pleased to onboard Langara College as our first Beta client to the Radius X Platform.

Langara College is one of Canada’s leading university-transfer institutions providing University Studies, Career Studies, and Continuing Studies programs and courses to more than 21,000 students annually. Through the collective contributions of outstanding faculty and staff, programs and services, Langara College is recognized as a leading undergraduate institution with a reputation for providing exceptional learning opportunities.

Leveraging Data for Growth: 7 Insights from Education Market Research 

Leveraging Data for Growth: 7 Insights from Education Market Research 

In today’s fast-paced business world, the capacity to utilize data and derive practical insights is a key advantage that can significantly impact the success of an enterprise. As businesses continue to develop and markets grow more dynamic, there is increasing pressure for swift, well-informed decision-making. This article delves into the vital importance of data and insights in the current data-driven business environment and offers actionable tactics for the education market to effectively harness this valuable asset.

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Digital Transformation in Education

Digital Transformation in Education

The pandemic accelerated digital transformation in education, affecting teaching, learning, and administration globally. Innovative technologies such as AR/VR, AI, gamification, and smart exam portals enhance educational experiences. EdTech and CRM systems optimize student onboarding and learning management. While technology improves access and outcomes, challenges like data security and equal access must be addressed.

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Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education

Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education

In today’s digital world, finding new ways to engage students is ever more difficult. When home technologies such as mobile phones, tablets and games consoles are highly advanced, widely available and hugely popular with young children, finding educational engagement with technology in the classroom can be even harder, especially if the technology deployed there is less engaging than that of technology learner use at home.

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Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management in Education Sector

Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management in Education Sector

For a layman, the education sector overtly seems to be a process of imparting knowledge in exchange for tuition fees. But at the backdrop, running a school or any educational institute or running a whole education system is a large business which includes financial decisions, Investments, asset assessment and management. It is not just a big data file of attendance, and achievement records, it includes the things, devices, and apparatuses, to assist the teaching learning process.

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Block Chain in Education

Block Chain in Education

As a time-honoured social institution for knowledge transfer and a field of study, education has consistently been swift in adopting technologies from different sectors. Education is undergoing a pilot experiment period of Big Data, mass social media, STEM curriculum and data mining with complaint technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Blockchain is plausibly the next technology-mediated mega trend in education after the ongoing era of Big Data.

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AI & Machine Learning in Educational Assessment

AI & Machine Learning in Educational Assessment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has played a large role in this digital transformation that the education sector has witnessed in recent years. Traditionally speaking, education has been slower to adopt emerging technologies in comparison to other industries like banking, healthcare, and entertainment. The use of AI in testing and assessments is still somewhat early in its development and still requires a human element to ensure accuracy and success. However, the long-term benefits of incorporating AI in classroom teaching and assessments are substantial.

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Data Analytics in the Classroom

Data Analytics in the Classroom

Using data for making decisions is not new; companies use complex computations on customer data for business intelligence or analytics. Business intelligence techniques can discern historical patterns and trends from data and can create models that predict future trends and patterns. Analytics, broadly defined, comprises applied techniques from computer science, mathematics, and statistics for extracting usable information from very large datasets example web data, company business data, education data.

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Innovative E-Assessment in the Virtual Classroom

Innovative E-Assessment in the Virtual Classroom

Teaching-learning process is heart of any education system, similarly assessment is heart of any teaching-learning process. In the era of e-learning and e-teaching (online teaching), to compliment these two the obvious next big thing is e-Assessment. The current lockdown on educational institutions due to Covid-19 pandemic has escalated the speed of adaptation to e-education (e-teaching, e-learning and e-assessment).

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Three Dimensional Factors that Impact Academic Success for International Students

Three Dimensional Factors that Impact Academic Success for International Students

As the world becomes globalized, there is an increasing number of the students wanting to study abroad. Many countries have encouraged universities to host more international students since it provides economic and cultural benefits to the host country, while also encouraging education diplomacy among nations. However, international students face a multitude of problems as they adapt to unfamiliar cultural environment

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